Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I Started Blogger when it was a pain....

OK... I think it might be simpler to just start a new blog than try to update my old one. I had to use html codes when I started blogger in February of 2005. Needless to say I really didn't stick with it. We'll see how much updated this site really is three and a half years later. :) It used to be a pain to post pictures... and I just tried the seemingly easy add image button it has now but I ended up with a "forbidden" error... hmmm what's up with that? OK tried again and it worked. Cool.... that was easy. Anyone know how to edit a photo once it is in your post? I had to delete the pic and then reload it so I could adjust the size (which I know you can drag it, but it looked weird), and place it to the left instead of the right. hmmm. OK... I just put our family picture in a different post anyway.

OK.... This will be the new blog of Tim and Loreen Bliss and family. We'll see where it goes. Tim does not get into blogging or facebook or myspace.... he thinks it's all pretty stupid. Oh, well, Tim, someone else can appreciate it even if it is just my kids! lol (laugh out loud, for those who don't know that). It pretty much is a blog for me.

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