Monday, September 1, 2008

"Me ready to go" - Logan Bliss

OK, so we are sitting down for dinner yesterday and Logan, who is full of surprises and cuteness says the funniest thing. He starts to eat his dinner.... then he starts picking at his food, takes a couple of bites and all of a sudden says "Me Ready!" "What?" I ask him. "Me ready to go!" Logan says. (Of course this sounds more like "Me ready go") "Me ready to go to Grandpas!" Huh? Why would Logan all of a sudden be ready to go to granny and grandpa's house? His explanation: "I don't like this food!"

:) lol We all died laughing. And of course, he loved the attention. The little ham. Hmmm I guess the Bliss grandparents do have quite the reputation. Logan knows there is always good food and fun at granny and grandpa Bliss's house! lol

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