Friday, October 3, 2008

Playin' Croquet

On Friday, Oct. 3, 2008 we had Candace and Brian over and get this, yes, we played Croquet! Haha.. They actually teased us with being a part of some secret underground croquet club in Delta when we suggested it. Ha ha. None of us had played it in in years. We owned a croquet set but really hadn't used it in a long long time. So, we broke it out and actually had a really fun time. The kids loved it too. Candace and Brian suggested we do it again. They are such a fun couple and it is a blast when we get together. Both Tim and I get along great with them.

Candace and Brian have two kids with one on the way. Our kids had a blast playing with them. We've gotten together before but this was the first time we have had them to our house. I loved having a fun place to play. It was funny... Brian kept saying he wished he were a kid again in our yard. We have collected a lot of toys through the years and have added a lot with the new yard recently. He got on the swing set (which Tim built after moving to Delta) and jumped off (trying to do it when kids, well, HIS kids weren't looking) ... of course our Jaren had to copy him. :) We love the trampoline and how it is buried in the ground! The kids had fun on the teetertotter which was a new addition this summer. I really am NOT looking forward to winter. We have enjoyed our yard and porches too much this year.

Candace uses the same midwife as me. In fact, it was her and Misty Lynn that got me interested in looking into Cathy OBryant. I am so glad for their examples in home birth and for getting me so excited about Kiora. Turned out to be an excellent decision, of course. Candace is due the first part of the new year and is soooo excited for this new baby. Actually, Misty is pregnant too! She is due in April. Say Hi to Cathy for me when you guys have your appointments!

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