Friday, October 24, 2008

What a day!

Well, today started out normal... in fact better than normal because Kiora rolled over for the first time!!! Pretty cool milestone. She was having a bit of tummy time (which, honestly, I don't give her much of) on the play mat and she rolled over from tummy to back!!!! (Which is the easiest type of roll over). Whoo Hoo!!! We are in trouble now! It has begun!

Well, then later this afternoon, however, I noticed blood in Kiora's ear! Ummm ok. Not just a little blood, but like the entire ear canal opening was full of it. Partly dried, partly not. How the heck did I miss that??? Not sure how long it had been there.... I swear I didn't see that yesterday. How could I miss it??? I called my sister, Melanie, who has a Master's Degree in Audiology and she went through possible scenarios with me while I waited for the doctor's appointment! Anway I got her into the doctors and to make a long story less full of stress and anxiety like I was feeling, it was not serious. Her eardrum did not burst. No sign of infection. There really wasn't any sign of major trauma or anything. Probably just her fingernails scratching her ear canal and the blood pooled in the opening. The one simple easy possibility that Melanie related to me was, luckily, the one it was! Really weird though. I even asked Logan if he had touched Kiora's ears but he said no, and I do believe him. He has always been really gentle with her and I haven't left them alone together.

Anyway, I'm just grateful that she is healthy and happy and doing well. Time to clip her fingernails!

And again, yea for rolling over today. Oh, by the way, she is 13.4 lbs!!!!

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